当山のはじまりは、延宝七年(1679)、青森県藤崎町出身の僧宗運が、津軽に於ける黄檗宗最初の道場をこの地に開いたことによる。当初の山寺号は「寶巌山法眼寺」であったが、二代住職南宗元頓の時、 黒石市山形町に替寺され、山寺号を失い、薬師堂と称した。 この時に住職不在となり、法眼寺より監寺(住職代理)が置かれた。
The original title given to the temple was called Houganzan Hougen-Ji Temple. However, when the 2nd generation Chief Priest, Nanshūgenton was transferred to another temple in Yamagata-Machi, Kuroishi City, the temple lost its title and thus, the temple was renamed as Yakushido. Due to the absence of a chief priest, an administrative (acting chief priest) was placed in Hougen-Ji Temple as the guardian of the temple.
During the administrative period of the 4th generation of the acting Chief Priest, Shūkoku Enei, the title “Rurisan Yakushi-Ji Temple” was given to the temple in 1724, by Tsugaru Nobuhisa, the 5th lord of Hirosaki domain.
明治七年(1874)、出火全焼。再建は明治四十三年(1910)。本尊は釈迦如来、 左脇侍に迦葉尊者、右に阿難尊者を安置、この配置は黄檗宗大本山萬福寺と同じである。
In 1874, the temple was burnt down to the ground. It was rebuilt and restored in 1910. During the restoration, Shakanyorai was enshrined as the Honzon (principle image), along with his left attendant, Kashousonjya and right attendant, Anansonjya. This was the same installment as the Mampuku-Ji Temple Ōbaku Sect Head Temple.
境内には、東北では珍しい「石敢當」、県指定天然記念物「石割カエデ」、 将軍乃木希典揮毫の「忠魂碑」等がある。
There are Ishigantou (ancient stone talisman), the prefecture designated Natural Monuments, the Ishiwarikaede (Maple tree on a stone split), Monument (monument for loyal soul) calligraphed by General Nogimaresuke within the temple precincts.
Priest Tomoyuki Ono